Wrth deimlo grym fy llygredd

1,2,(4);  1,3;  1,5.
(Ofn Gwrthgilio)
Wrth deimlo grym fy llygredd
 'Rwy'n ofni tynu'n ol,
Duw dyro nerth bob mynyd
  I redeg ar dy ol;
Rho i mi ysbryd gwylio,
  Tra byddwyf ar y llawr,
A chadw ofn duwiol
  Yn f'enaid bob rhyw awr.

Rho gymhorth i ryfela,
  A ngolwg ar y gwaed,
Nes cael y gelyn ola'
  O'r diwedd dan fy nhraed;
Trwy ffydd gwna i mi edrych
  Yn graff i'r ochr draw;
Yn ngwyneb profedigaeth,
  O cynal fi yn dy law.

Rho gymhorth imi lynu
  Lle ni bo ond dau neu dri;
Na'm dener byth i gefnu
  Ar sanctaidd byrth dy dŷ;
Rho'r ffydd i mi a'm cynnal
  Hyd drothw'r
      byd a ddaw;
Drwy demtasiynau'r anial
  O! cadw fi'n dy law.

Dysg i mi brynu'r amser,
  A'i dreulio i ti'n llwyr,
Myfyrio ar dy gariad,
  O'r boreu hyd yr hwyr;
Dal fi a'th fraich dragwyddol,
  Oddiyma hyd y bedd
A dwg fi ar ddelw Iesu
  I mewn i wlad yr hedd.

Os gwelir fi bechadur,
  Ryw ddydd, ar ben fy nhaith,
Rhyfeddol fydd y canu,
  A newydd fydd yr iaith;
Yn seinio "Buddugoliaeth,"
  Am iachawdwriaeth lawn,
Heb ofni colli'r frwydyr,
  Na bore, na phrydnawn.
gwylio :: gwylied
bob rhyw awr :: bob yr awr
A ngolwg ar :: Yn lew ar faes

1: Casgliad o Bum Cant o Hymnau (D Jones) 1810
2: Casgliad Joseph Harris 1845
3: Richard Samuel Rogers 1882-1950
4: Caniadau Sion 1827
5: Amryw Hymnau Dymunol a Phrofiadol (Harri Sion) 1773

Tonau [7676D]:
Caerllyngoed (Stephen Llwyd 1794-1854)
Mannheim (H L Hassler / J S Bach)
Penmorfa (<1835)
Penmynydd (<1845)
Romain (<1835)

  Duw dysg im' brynu f'amser
  Dyma odfa newydd (O Arglwydd dyro rym)
  Os gwelir fi bechadur

(The Fear of Backsliding)
On feeling the force of my corruption
  I am fearing drawing back,
God, give me strength every minute
  To run after thee;
Grant my spirit to watch,
  While ever I am on the earth,
And keep a godly fear
  In my soul every hour.

Give help to battle,
  And a view of the blood,
Until getting the last enemy
  In the end under my feet;
Through faith make me look
  Intently to yonder side;
In the face of trial,
  O help me with thy hand.

Grant help for me to stick
  Where there be only two or three;
That I may never be enticed to turn my back
  On the sacred gates of thy house;
Give the faith to me that will uphold me
  As far as the threshold of the
      world to come;
Through the temptations of the desert
  O keep me in thy hand!

Teach me to redeem the time,
  And spend it completely for thee,
To meditate upon thy love,
  From the morning until the evening;
Keep me with thy eternal arm,
  From here until the grave
And bring me in the image of Jesus
  Into the land of peace.

If I, a sinner, am to be seen
  Some day, at my journey's end,
Wonderful shall be the singing,
  And new shall be the language;
Sounding, "Victory,"
  For full salvation,
Without fearing losing the battle,
  Neither morning, nor evening.
And a view of :: As a lion on the field of

tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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